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Toyota Drift Cars

on Thursday 23 April 2009

Yesterday I just now look on film of to fast to fourius Tokyo drift which the third time, from there the mind for posting of car drift, made from brand toyota. this is first time i posting my hobbys
check this out.

1. Corolla AE86 1983-1987

This is the legendary drift car that was once the main character in the Japanese world of hashirya (street racers): The Toyota Corolla AE86. The last ever build Corolla models that were RWD are still being raced today by enthusiasts. It is said that it offers an incredibly exciting ride, something which you would not expect.

The AE86 is also known in Japan as the Hachiroku, which is basically nothing more than a translation of 86, where "hachi" stands for eight and "roku" stands for six.Actually all of the Corollas that came out before the E80 series are RWD and so, perhaps with some drift modifications they are all good enough for drifting.

The AE86 had, and still has a massive cult status in Japan and was once even the main star in the popular anime series Initial D. This made it more famous and today it has actually become a pretty rare and expensive car. Expect high prices for a plus 20-years old model. And your chances of finding a stock AE86? Small! The Corolla comes with pop-up lights (Trueno) or regular headlights (Levin) and is available in many styles & trims. It handles very well and doesn’t flatter the driver at all. It shows all your mistakes and doesn’t allow much room for error. Therefore it is a very hard car to really become good in. Generally speaking it usually seems only to be appreciated by enthusiasts that know of the car’s capabilities.

The power output is more than enough, as this 940 kilo Toyota features a twin-cam 1.6 liter 4 cylinder and 16 valves 4AGEU engine. It’s known to be rev-happy and it delivers about 130hp. Still though, most of the competition that consists out of turbo-powered cars are usually holding more than twice the amount of power.The 86 it is not so much about power, it’s much more about balance! And because of that it’s a very good car to learn drifting in. It comes with a learning curve, but once that curve has been overcome......And the AE86 still drifts in the D1 competition today, even winning from much faster and newer competition. The AE86 is still today most definitely one of the finest Toyota drift cars available!

There are many Toyota drift cars out there, not listed here. Only the important ones are shown on this page, you know that the only requirement for a drift car is of course it to be RWD, so with a little research and creative work there are many variations of Toyota drift cars available

2. Supra 1992-2000

The Toyota Supra is another very popular tuning car you see on display at car shows all around the world. When you think of Toyota drift cars the Supra is probably the first car that comes to mind. It is Toyota’s answer to Nissan’s Skyline GT-R. Being RWD you can get the older generations, the Mark I and the Mark II that started in the late 70s, but the more popular models are the Mark III and Mark IV. Especially the latest model, the Mark IV with the 3.0 liter twin-turbo 2JZGE engine, is highly popular.

It’s not a cheap car though, but most people know that in compensation it doesn't take a lot of money to upgrade the engine. The engines internals are incredibly strong and can withstand tuning up to 500hp+ without modifications. It's a great car, a great engine and has tons of potential. It’s the best performance car Toyota has to offer. Unfortunately there are no plans for a new model. There were rumors that a new model was being tested on the Nurburgring in Germany, but it turned out to be the new Lexus LF-A.

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Mosques in Germany

on Monday 13 April 2009

The Red Mosque in Schwetzingen (Germany)

Ali Camii Mosque, Hamburg, Germany

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Photo Exhibition: "Mosques in Germany"

on Sunday 12 April 2009

In Germany more and more mosques - Character religious self-awareness and successful integration, a source of fierce controversy. The photographer Wilfried Dechau traveled last year by Germany to the worship of Islam in the context of German Stadtbilder noted that their internal architecture, the Friday prayers, imams, children, men and women. In March and April, the Goethe Institute, the result of his photo-reportage in from Jakarta.

In the Cologne district of Ehrenfeld in 2010 created a mosque, whose construction, mainly due to the planned height of the minarets in the city controversial. Residents feared a Überfremdung their neighborhood, the right citizens' movement "Pro Cologne" made front against the "big mosque." In August 2008, the City Council, despite all the construction. Two months later, opened in Duisburg, the largest mosque in Germany with almost no protests. The Merkez Mosque is now in Europe as a flagship model of successful religious integration.

The mosques in Duisburg and Cologne are only two examples in the past year were discussed. In Germany there are now 206 mosques and about 2600 Bethäuser, most were already in the seventies. Some 120 mosques in Germany, are currently being built or are planned.

The Stuttgart Wilfried Dechau photographer traveled in March and April 2008 by Germany and photographed mosques in the context of German Stadtbilder: their interior design, the Friday prayers, imams, children, men and women in the prayer houses. The photo reportage was born in Pforzheim, Penzberg, Mannheim, Wolfsburg, Aachen, Karlsruhe, Hamburg and Stuttgart.

In Indonesia, where Muslims, about 90 percent of the population, shows the Goethe-Institut Jakarta from 1 to 14 April 2009 jointly with the Islamic University of Paramadina in the exhibition "Mosques in Germany" Sixty Dechaus pictures from photo reportage. The pictures are also a cause for discussion: At the panel "The Role of Islam in Germany: History, Present, Future" talks among others Prof. Dr. Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, director of the Institute for Cultural Studies at the University of Leipzig, about religious freedom and the Islamic life in Germany. Other topics of discussion are human rights and tolerance.

Following the presentation in Jakarta, the exhibition goes on tour to Malaysia, Singapore, India, Turkey and the Middle East. The exhibition will be the catalog "mosques. Mosques "with contributions, inter alia, by Claus Leggewie, Lamya Kaddor and Christoph Welzbacher when Wasmuth Verlag.
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bad weather causes the aircraft fokker 27 fall

on Tuesday 7 April 2009

The Air Force has blamed bad weather as the likely cause of Monday's deadly plane crash into a hangar when trying to land at an air base in Bandung during heavy rain.

The Fokker F-27 medium transport plane with tail number A-2703 had just returned from
a parachuting training session when the accident took place at about 1 p.m. at Husein Sastranegara Air Force Base.

The plane's six crew and 18 soldiers from the Air Force's Special Forces (Paskhas) were killed in the accident. Monday's crash occurred just days before the Air Force celebrates its 63rd anniversary on Thursday. Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal Subandrio said bad weather was the likely cause of the accident, with weather conditions at the time recorded as “TS RA”, or thunder, storm and rain. Twenty-knot crosswinds were also recorded blowing from north to south when the airplane was trying to land coming from east to west.

Horizontal visibility from the tower was only 2 kilometers, with cumulus nimbus cloud formations hanging at an elevation of 1,500 meters. “Complying with procedures, as the pilot could not see the runway, he was requesting a go-round,” Subandrio said at a press conference at the Air Force base. “Tower officials did not see the airplane either when suddenly they saw smoke in the hangar.

“So the preliminary conclusion is [the accident occurred] because of bad weather.”

The plane, from the 2nd squadron based at Halim Perdanakusumah Air Force Base in Jakarta, crashed into the aircraft service hangar of state-owned aircraft maker PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI).

The base compound is shared with PT DI and a civilian airport. The plane exploded into a giant fireball upon impact, leaving rescue workers with the difficult task of identifying the victims. One rescue worker said they could only find body parts scattered around the accident site. There were five planes being serviced at the time in the hangar. A Deraya Air Service NC-212-200 suffered a smashed wing, while a Batavia Air Boeing 737-300 suffered minor damage.

Three other aircraft — an Adam Air Boeing 737-300, a CN-235 to be delivered to France and a Robinson light helicopter — were not damaged. The Air Force has set up an internal investigation team without the involvement of the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT).

Subandrio stressed that the F-27, built in 1976, had been certified airworthy and in good condition. “The crew would not have flown the plane had it been not airworthy,” he said.

Prior to the accident, the Air Force operated seven F-27s. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has ordered Indonesian Military (TNI) chief Gen. Djoko Santoso to conduct a “thorough investigation” into the incident. Presidential spokesman Andi Mallarangeng said Yudhoyono had also ordered the military chief to check the airworthiness of all the Air Force’s aircraft.

“The military chief reported the incident to the President shortly after it occurred” Andi said in a press statement.

“An interim report says it was caused by the weather factor.

“President Yudhoyono expresses his deepest condolences to the families of Air Force officers and members who died in the accident,” he added. The plane was manned by pilot Capt. I Gede Agustirta Santosa and co-pilot First Lt. Yudo Pramono. Subandrio confirmed Yudo was the son of Iskandar Muda Military Commander Maj. Gen. Soenarko.

quoted from here
READ MORE - bad weather causes the aircraft fokker 27 fall

Increase Your Blog Traffic

on Sunday 5 April 2009

A blog can be successful when visited by many readers who called or with high traffic. To create a high traffic of course you should have a blog of quality. The quality of the blog is very much dependent of the actual blog. Reader will find the information they need. As the latest news, electronic, automotive, food recipes, and computer technology, general knowledge, destination, and so forth. Usually when a blog reader have found the source of information from a particular site, they will come back to get the information other kind. So you must be clevers choose a topic based on the needs of readers.

With free Shoutbox as mediators between bloggers like cbox, shoutmix, yellbox, or join, mybloglog, tecnorthi and more can increase your blog traffic. In addition, you should see the writing on your blog and how to increase traffic.

1. Have a specific topic. Blog that you write must have a topic, for example, you write about sports and sports that will be in the study, such as soccer or swimming and sebagainnya.

2. Breaking News. Write the news, because many people menbutuhkan information quickly and accurately.

3. Write articles about issues that are busy in talking, for example the price of fuel continues to bounce high and implications.

4. Do not write the article too long, many readers will feel lethargic before reading it because it will take some time.

5. Insert a photo or image in your posting. Photos can be told 1000 times better than writing.
READ MORE - Increase Your Blog Traffic

Use only Tent, Refugees Reject Relocation

on Saturday 4 April 2009

Jakarta - A number of refugee tragedy Gintung Situ refused refugee relocated to a place that is provided in the government Kertamukti, Ciputat, Banten. Management considers Kertamukti, the distance of 5 km from the previous evacuation in Jakarta Muhammadiyah University (UMJ), it is not feasible.

"During this time we hear a lot of buzz that the source is not clear, for example, about Kertamukti. Kertamukti If the form of tents, so we feel it is not feasible for us," said Bachtiar during a hearing of opinions between the government and UMJ on campus UMJ Saturday (4/4/2009).

Refusal to relocate Kertamukti Sri also be expressed by (38). He confessed immediately want to do normal activities such as, but not in the evacuation of only a tent.

"If the government can and should provide a place of relocation is not feasible and tents. Kertamukti in the tents If the physical is not there. We are not ready," Sri firm.

Meanwhile, the refugees that consists of 46 families (KK) to be gathered together to review refugee Kertamukti. The Government will ensure that a refugee who is eligible is provided.
READ MORE - Use only Tent, Refugees Reject Relocation

tragedy Gintung Situ

on Thursday 2 April 2009

the kid was nine years old that still glisten when asked about his mother, Sarinah Aca (35), Cirendeu citizens who become victims of tragedy Gintung Situ, Friday early days ago. Former appear to dry up the tears on his face that simple. Moment, Yongki, so the kid's name, begin seconds recount events that may not akan dilupakannya lifetime.

a broken-down water embankment at around 04.00 hours early to make himself, almarhumah Sarinah, his father, ACA (37), and cousin, awakened. In a flash, the water is already home to meet their contract in RT 04 RW 08, Cirendeu, Ciputat, Tangerang City, Banten. Panic, Sarinah directly reach Yongki, while ACA keponakannya reach. Air embankment which is then broken-down separates the pair is the origin Indramayu. While the ACA through the roof of new home contract ditinggalinya for three months, Sarinah that embrace children wayangnya is only brought out flow.

Unlucky, after some time flow levee trail, Yongki finally released from his mother's embrace. After that, children drop out of school does not claim to know his mother's fate. "I can beg, but enggak ditolongin. Once released, I terputer-puter at the time. Pas a tree, I grip manjat and trees," said Yongki gentle.

After a two-hour stay on top of the tree, around 06.00, finally got his team of volunteer help from the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, and brought home to the Chairman of RT 04. Then, find the ACA Yongki at around 12:00. Both came to Posko UMJ, and informed that Sarinah found killed and brought to RSUP Fatmawati, South Jakarta.

They both are rushing away to the hospital. Arriving in the Installation and Maintenance forensic corpse RSUP Fatmawati, ACA, the day-to-day work as traders gorengan, seen trying hard to catch his wife with a rigid terbujur-swollen face swollen. Some of the time, the Aca can start with, and immediately after the administration in the administration RSUP Fatmawati. Corpse Sarinah planned will be taken to Indramayu to dimakamkan. Yongki claim to have hope for her mother. "Hopefully, mama go to Heaven, yes," he said low

quoted from here
READ MORE - tragedy Gintung Situ